v 0.16.0
Carg | |
Cearth_pert | |
Cln_date | Human readable Date and time used by libnova |
Cln_dms | Degrees, minutes and seconds |
Cln_ell_orbit | Elliptic Orbital elements |
Cln_equ_posn | Equatorial Coordinates |
Cln_gal_posn | Galactic coordinates |
Cln_helio_posn | Heliocentric position |
Cln_hms | Hours, minutes and seconds |
Cln_hrz_posn | Horizontal Coordinates |
Cln_hyp_orbit | Hyperbolic Orbital elements |
Cln_lnlat_posn | Ecliptical (or celestial) Longitude and Latitude |
Cln_nutation | Nutation in longitude, ecliptic and obliquity |
Cln_par_orbit | Parabolic Orbital elements |
Cln_rect_posn | Rectangular coordinates |
Cln_rst_time | Rise, Set and Transit times |
Cln_vsop | |
Cln_zonedate | Human readable Date and time with timezone information used by libnova |
Clnh_equ_posn | Right Ascension and Declination |
Clnh_hrz_posn | Azimuth and Altitude |
Clnh_lnlat_posn | Ecliptical (or celestial) Latitude and Longitude |
Cmain_problem | |
Cnutation_arguments | |
Cnutation_coefficients | |
Cplanet_pert | |
Cpluto_argument | |
Cpluto_latitude | |
Cpluto_longitude | |
Cpluto_radius | |
CXYZ | |
Cyear_TD |